At the end of 2020, the restoration work on the Jewish cemetery in Klosterneuburg reached completion: On 2 December, the work was approved in the presence of representatives from the Jewish Community Vienna, the Federal Office for the Protection of Monuments, the Fund for the Restoration of the …
Helga Pollak-Kinsky passed away on 14 November. “I was lucky, I survived. It was pure chance.” These are the words Helga Pollak-Kinsky once used to sum up her fate, which saw her return from Theresienstadt and Auschwitz.
The National Fund is pleased to announce that, following the completion of two tender procedures for construction and media technology for the new Austrian exhibition at Auschwitz, the best bidders in each procedure have been awarded a contract.
To mark its 25th anniversary, the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism has brought out its first audio book containing life stories of victims of National Socialism.
Professor Dr. Gertrude Schneider passed away on 7 September 2020. “With the passing of Gertrude Schneider we have lost a wonderful woman, journalist and historian, survivor of the Riga ghetto and several concentration camps. Baruch Dayan haemet. Our thoughts are with her family”, says Hannah …
The National Fund of the Republic of Austria is issuing an invitation to tender for the development and implementation of media technology (provision of hardware and software) for the new Austrian exhibition, which will be displayed in Block 17 on the grounds of the Auschwitz-Birkenau memorial. …
At the end of July, in the absence of suitable offers the National Fund of the Republic of Austria revoked its invitation to tender issued in April for general contractor services for the interior design of the new Austrian exhibition in Block 17 on the grounds of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial.