Houses of Eternity

10 Years of the Fund for the Restoration of the Jewish Cemeteries in Austria

As “houses of eternity”, Jewish cemeteries are not only places of burial, as they were originally intended to be; they are also important sites of cultural heritage that preserve the history, traditions and legacy of Jewish communities down through the generations.

The anthology “Houses of Eternity”, published by the National Fund, sheds light on the restoration of these historically significant cultural sites, made possible by the Cemeteries Fund, and their subsequent upkeep. The authors provide insights into the cemeteries’ history and share their personal experiences of the restoration processes, which serve to demonstrate the societal relevance of this undertaking.

Inhalt | Contents

Vorwort | Foreword
Mag. Wolfgang Sobotka, Präsident des Nationalrates | President of the National Council

Vorwort | Foreword
Oskar Deutsch, Präsident der IKG Wien | President of the Jewish Community of Vienna

Vorwort | Foreword
Jaron Engelmayer, Oberrabbiner der IKG Wien | Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Vienna

Vorwort | Foreword
Mag.a Hannah M. Lessing, Generalsekretärin des Nationalfonds | Secretary General of the National Fund

Die Arbeit des Fonds zur Instandsetzung der jüdischen Friedhöfe | The Work of the Fund for the Restoration of the Jewish Cemeteries
Michael R. Seidinger

Bildstrecke Jüdische Friedhöfe in Österreich I | Photo Series: Jewish Cemeteries in Austria I
Nikolaij Kreinjobst

Jüdische Friedhöfe als kulturelles Erbe. Anmerkungen zur Tätigkeit des Bundesdenkmalamtes | Jewish Cemeteries as Cultural Heritage. Notes on the Activities of the Federal Monuments Authority
Sylvia Preinsperger, Christoph Bazil

Der Jüdische Friedhof Währing | The Währing Jewish Cemetery
Peter Ebenhöh

Jüdische Friedhöfe in Österreich | Jewish Cemeteries in Austria
Elie Rosen

Bildstrecke Jüdische Friedhöfe in Österreich II | Photo Series: Jewish Cemeteries in Austria II
Nikolaij Kreinjobst

Der Beitrag der Gartendenkmalpflege zur Sanierung der jüdischen Friedhöfe in Österreich | The Preservation of Garden Monuments as a Contribution to Jewish Cemetery Restoration Projects in Austria
Brigitte Mang

Zur Instandsetzung der jüdischen Friedhöfe in Österreich. Ein Werkstattbericht | The Restoration of the Jewish Cemeteries in Austria. A Workshop Report
Manfred Wehdorn

Der jüdische Friedhof Wien Währing und die jüdischen Abteilungen bei Tor 1 und Tor 4 am Wiener Zentralfriedhof | The Jewish Cemetery in Währing, Vienna, and the Jewish Sectors at Gate 1 and Gate 4 of the Vienna Central Cemetery
Gerhard Rennhofer, Sylvia Kois

Die AutorInnen | The Authors

Danksagung | Acknowledgements

Impressum | Imprint

Houses of Eternity. 10 Years of the Fund for the Restoration of the Jewish Cemeteries in Austria. Edited by Michael R. Seidinger on behalf of the National Fund, Vienna 2023. 180 pages, Hardcover, ISBN 978-3-9505259-1-5

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